4 Skin Care Myths—Debunked

Posted on: 11 February 2015

Does chocolate really need to be avoided? And should you be embarrassed because you have acne at the age of 40? Read on to see the four common skin care myths listed below debunked.

Myth #1: Avoid Chocolate to Control Acne Breakouts

Chocolate lovers rejoice! Feel no guilt the next time you grab a bite of chocolate. Beware though, the ingredients in that chocolate bar may be the cause of breakouts that were so unfairly attributed to chocolate.

A diet that is high in fat and sugar can increase the amount of sebum your body produces, resulting in acne. If you really need that chocolate fix, reach for a bar that has a higher ratio of cacao to sugar and that doesn't use hydrogenated vegetable oil.

Myth #2: Your Mother's Skin Aged Well and So Will Yours

While genetics do play a role in the aging process, they're not the final say. External factors play a much bigger role in your skin's aging process than does genetics. Your mother's skin probably aged well not just because of genetics, but because she took care of her skin. Here are a few ways you can take care of your own skin.

  • Use a broad spectrum sunscreen. While higher SPF sunscreens will protect your skin from the UVB rays that cause sunburn, they won't protect your skin from the UVA rays that can cause cancer and lead to premature aging.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet. As mentioned above, diets high in fat and sugar contribute to acne, which can leave scars on your face and leave you with a less-than-stellar glow.
  • Don't smoke. There's no doubt about it: smoking ages you. The nicotine in cigarettes narrows blood vessels in your face, slowing the flow of blood. Along with the constant puckering of your lips and exposure to thousands of other chemicals, you'll age quickly, no matter how good your mother's skin looked at your age.

Myth #3: You'll Someday Outgrow Your Acne

Unfortunately for women, this is a flat out lie. Hormones fluctuate wildly throughout a woman's life, which can lead to periods of clear skin and periods of not-so-clear skin.

No matter your age, acne treatment and control is the same. Increasing the amount of times you wash your face or how hard you scrub your face will not have a positive impact, and may actually make it worse. Consistent and gentle washing is ideal. Speak with a dermatologist. They can help you treat the acne based on your skin type.

Myth #4: Increasing Your Water Intake Will Moisturize Dry Skin

Water intake is only one part of the solution. Drink all the water you want, but if you have dry, flaky skin, it won't be magically replenished.

Dry skin occurs when the outer layer of skin is damaged and the moisture that was once there is able to seep out. Protecting that outer layer of skin is the only way to treat dry skin and prevent it from returning. Sun damage, smoking, and other irritants are major things to avoid.

Skin care myths abound, so it's best to speak with a knowledgeable dermatologist about any questions or concerns you may have related to your skin. 
