Exercise and Supplements: What to Do to Help with Back Pain

Posted on: 15 September 2015

Back pain can be crippling. In the worst case scenario, you can find yourself bed-ridden and twisting and turning all day to find a position that does not hurt. If you want to avoid back pain, there are a couple of things that you can do to stave off attacks and improve your mobility and function. 

Exercises to Strengthen Your Back

If you want to avoid back pain, you need to consider the cause of the pain. Posture can play a huge role in whether you feel back pain or not. If you have a problem with your posture, then you need to do exercises that will help you to correct the posture, which should involve strengthening your core. It is important to note that the word core does not solely denote your abdomen. You must strengthen your stomach muscles, obliques, and the muscles in your lower back. The following exercise is a good place to start:

  • Rotating Plank: When you are looking for an exercise to strengthen your core, you should try to find something that will allow you to exercise more than just one set of muscles. Start with lying on your stomach with your elbows on the ground. Push your body up until your hips, shoulders, and ankles are all in line. Hold the position for twenty seconds (to start with) then rotate your body so that you are raised up on your right elbow with your body still in line and your shoulders should be perpendicular to the ground. Hold this position than go back down to the normal plank and rotate through so that you are raised up on your left elbow. Hold this position for twenty seconds. This movement should exercise multiple sets of your core muscles. 


As you get older, your joints will break down, and the pain you feel will increase. In order to keep your joints functioning properly, you should talk to a doctor about taking supplements such as chondroitin or glucosamine. You can find these on store shelves, but it is important to talk to a doctor to make sure that you take the right dosage. 

Back pain can severely restrict your range of movement, the types of activities you participate in, and your general quality of life. That being said, you don't simply have to grit your teeth and accept your fate. Take matters into your own hands and take steps to mitigate your back pain if not erase it altogether. For assistance, talk to a pack pain expert like The Chicago FIX.
