Putting The Cute Back Into Cuticle: Tips And Tricks For Treating Your Cuticles Correctly

Posted on: 27 July 2016

Keeping your nails healthy and strong is an important part of your physical well-being, not to mention a necessary indulgence if you work in a professional environment where your hands need to be neat and tidy for appearance's sake. But when it comes to that little collection of skin at the back of your nail – your cuticle – care can become a little different than simply cutting and filing your nails. So if you're looking for some tips and tricks to treating your cuticles correctly, then here's what you need to know.

Push Them Back

Professional-looking nails are nails that look clean and tidy, so your first step should be to push your cuticles back. Not only does this let the half-moon at the base of your fingernails show, it can also make them look longer and neater, creating the impression that you take care of even the little details in your life. Before you begin, ensure you have an orange stick (available at your local supermarket) and that your hands are warm and soft; you can either soak them in warm, soapy water to achieve this or you can simply begin right after you take a shower. If you soak them, use a natural soap with no harsh chemicals, like the soaps found at Flowersong LLC. You also may find it instructive to watch, rather than read, a how-to guide online.

Don't Cut Them

Looking at the above guide for pushing back your cuticles may make you feel like the entire thing is just too much hassle and you'd be better off just cutting them off – but resist the urge. Your cuticles are a barrier that stand between the outside world and the inside of your body, and removing that barrier can lead to you getting some sort of bacterial infection, which can do more than just make your skin itch – it can cause your nails to bruise more easily, have white lines or spots pop up on them, and to slow their growth majorly, none of which are aesthetically pleasing.

Keep Them Moisturized

In order to keep your nails looking the best they can be, you'll want to keep them as moisturized as possible – so put away the thin hand lotion you use for everyday care and bring out the coconut oil. This semi-solid oil is the perfect choice for keeping your cuticles moisturized and healthy at the same time; in addition to being great for hydrating dry skin with a very small amount of product. It also works as an antiviral, preventing your fingernails from acquiring any harmful bacteria. Coconut oil should be available at your local supermarket, but if not, you can find it both online and at bulk superstores.
